At TLI, we perform value analysis, review workflow, and re-engineer processes where necessary to drive streams of high value from technology. We have worked extensively on several projects which either employed new technology or used available technology in a new way.
Technology becomes useful at the crossroads of value, usability, and design.
Technology is right when you do not think about the technology, only the output and outcome. Determine outcomes before deciding on the technology. Anticipate flexibility, agility, and resilience as much as possible. Technology can help assess, plan, and measure progress. Getting the technology right is a challenge far more profound than choosing sensors, devices, apps, or securing networks. Technology is a tool to increase the value and usability of the data available to us. New and emerging technologies become impactful when properly employed in a well-crafted system designed to improve performance, health, or well-being, or to solve complex problems.
We have worked extensively on several projects which either employed new technology or used available technology in a new way. Click through the carousel below to read about our work.
We created the Enhanced Patient Centered Medical Home framework and transformative model, anchored to principles of good primary medical care, accepting the basic requirements for a PCMH.
Secure care redesign project by Fort Belvoir Community Hospital to build a new operating model for primary care around patient-centered medical home research.
TEMPPO is an interactive virtual coaching platform designed for Service Member’s personal use to improve their fitness and readiness.
We provide subject matter expertise to the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) by conducting research in the field of human performance to meet objectives for the development of a toolbox for outcome metrics.
Collaborates with Los Angeles County to create a $5 million consortium to build community resilience in the face of the opioid epidemic in collaboration with our Fellow from George Washington University.
Partners with The Association of Program Directors in Surgery (APDS) to help improve surgical training programs and to allow for data-driven innovation in surgical education.
Partners with Midwest Business Group on Health to improve mental health outcomes for employees struggling with the many stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We convened all four Surgeon Generals and their staff to discuss the future of federal and military health care to the year 2045 and discussed activities which were future independent such as expansion of research, global health engagement, and humanitarian assistance. Some of the activities discussed at this collaborative translated into new programs for the DoD and VA.
We supported the BHMC pilot program for the Consortium for Health and Military Performance (CHAMP) at the Uniformed Services University (USU).