Ensuring Peer-Reviewed Medical Intervention Reach Autistic Patients

No human being can reach their potential without basic health and wellness

The Autism Knowledge Gateway (AKG) is unifying the entire autism community around a fundamental need – better basic healthcare for autistic people. Through an AI-driven technology hub, AKG is putting peer-reviewed medical research at the center of autism care, ensuring more timely and effective treatment of autism’s many comorbidities.

The Problem We Solve

We are facing a crisis in basic healthcare for autistic people, who often live with more complex medical profiles, experience inferior health outcomes, and have a higher cost of care than their non-autistic peers. As a physiologically diverse group, autistic people deserve a more informed, nuanced and effective approach to healthcare.  

Complex Health Problems

95% of autistic people have at least one comorbid health condition

Limited Physician Expertise

Only 13% of surveyed providers feel equipped with the necessary tools and resources

Poor Health Outcomes

Individuals with autism have a lower life expectancy, anywhere between to 36 – 54 years of age versus 72 years of age for neurotypical peers 

High Healthcare Spend

Healthcare spending is 6-11 times higher than non-autistic peers

The AKG Solution

The only reason my children are comfortable today is because our doctor took the initiative to uncover and treat the things that were physiologically wrong. It’s imperative that we make this more of a standard practice for people living with autism.”
— Casandra Oldham, Director of Autism Programs

For healthcare professionals

  • Easily searchable

  • Thousands of research articles

  • Curated by autism-focused physicians

  • Healthcare professional-specific collaboration tools

  • Facilitate in-depth, private discussions of case studies and current research

  • Option to participate in monthly virtual roundtables and webinars

For patients and caregivers

  • Access to the same curated library

  • Research available to healthcare professionals

  • Information parity

  • Effective collaboration

  • Discussion forums for information sharing

  • Access to healthcare professional-led forums

My son’s seizures felt like so many other aspects of autism - misunderstood. Because the abnormalities in his EEG were not ‘consistent with epilepsy,’ many doctors threw up their hands. Through a more comprehensive lens, we were able to identify issues with his autonomic nervous system, helping us to get these episodes mostly under control.
— Keri Schoenbrun, Director of Development

Become part of the solution!

Help us learn

  • Enroll in the free AKG pilot for healthcare professionals

  • Enroll in the free AKG pilot for patients and caregivers