About TLI
Thought Leadership & Innovation Foundation was formed in 2011 to support transformational change projects across the healthcare community.

TLI is a non-profit focused on driving innovative thinking and action on global issues relating to health. TLI is committed to fostering transformative change and improving the health and well-being outcomes of communities across the world. Led by Bill Oldham, a health and education entrepreneur.
TLI’s Senior Advisors and Fellows are thought leaders & innovators across the health community from the U.S and around the world. Our founders worked together in public and private sector roles and sought to create a nonprofit entity that would enable greater research, transformation and collaboration in a “safe space.”
For more than 25 years, TLI’s leadership team have developed strong working relationships with U.S. universities and aided in their varied pursuits of international, commercial and federal programs. Our strategic clinical and educational partners range from Mayo Clinic and Harvard University to the Veterans Administration and Midwest Business Group on Health.
TLI supports the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins University, and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), and the Bridging Advanced Developments for Exceptional Rehabilitation (BADER) Consortium which supports the University of Delaware, Harvard, and the Mayo Clinic.
Other clients have included UPMC, University of Washington, Yale University, Columbia University, Duke University, Oklahoma University, University of Nebraska, Henry M. Jackson Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and RAND Corporation.
Starting from supporting the U.S. Federal Health Futures Group in 2010, we have developed strong relationships and programs across a number of challenges in healthcare. Our team has grown to include numerous Fellows & Advisors. We provide the necessary thought leadership to promote innovative thinking and new research that leads to transformative change and improved delivery of healthcare for better patient outcome.
TLI drives innovative thinking and action on global issues relating to health to foster transformative change and improve the health and well being of patient communities across the world.
TLI advances efforts to build a stronger federal health system for federal health delivery organizations, promoting health—not simply healthcare—to better serve patients across the globe.
Reimagines the future of federal health care for the U.S. Public Health Service, CMS, HRSA, U.S. Department of Defense and Veterans Administration to propel the Federal Health Futures Initiative, with partners: Harvard University, Stanford University, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Duke University and RAND.
Leads the design of the Center for Disaster Response and Humanitarian assistance at the National Defense 2013 University to strengthen the federal response.
Supports care redesign for Air Force Medicine’s Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (Team STEPPS) in over 75 Air Force hospitals sponsored by Command Surgeon HQ Air Combat Command to improve patient care.
Kicks off long term work with chronic infection and chronic disease expert Dr. Robert Mozayeni, investing $500,000 in cutting edge imaging analysis equipment.
Guides U.S. Air Force Medical Program to implement Team STEPPS to improve the performance of U.S. service men and women.
Facilitates BADER’s efforts to strengthen federal research into the prosthetic field to better serve over 2,000,000 patients, led by the University of Delaware with participation from Harvard University, Dartmouth College, University of Delaware, Mayo Clinic, and other leading academic institutions.
Creates the AMSUS Executive Advisory Board for the Federal Health Society to shape their direction for the future.
Acquires the Samueli Institute, an Alexandria, Virginia-based research organization supporting federal health and wellness programs founded by Henry and Susan Samueli of Newport Beach, California, to increase its impact in Federal healthcare.
Joins the Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC) to support federal health initiatives. MTEC partnerships have included work with Amazon, Logistics Management Institute, IBM, University of Nebraska, Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University.
Formalizes Program Management Office, and expands Advisory Board and Fellows Program.
Expands work acquired from Samueli Institute in human performance and readiness research and the methodology of care redesign called Optimal Healing Environment.
Partners with Dartmouth College’s Thayer School of Engineering to bring its Artificial Joint Replacement Failure Registry to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Collaborates with Los Angeles County to create a $5 million consortium to build community resilience in the face of the opioid epidemic in collaboration with our Fellow from George Washington University. Associated partners include Los Angeles County public sector departments in Public Health and Mental Health, as well as UCLA, USC, and other local community organizations.
Supports health and wellness research for the Henry M. Jackson Foundation and the Uniformed Services University for better nutrition and improved behaviora health.
Secures care redesign project by Fort Belvoir Community Hospital to build a new operating model for primary care around patient-centered medical home research.
Along with the Mayo Clinic, contracts with NIH Limb Loss and Preservation Registry to build the first national data repository to serve over 2,000,000 patients living with limb loss.
Earns GSA Corp Schedule to provide professional consultancy services to federal government clients.
Launches Innovation Hub in collaboration with our Fellow from American University to evaluate emerging technologies that can improve health and economically empower underserved populations.
Develops a new program in regenerative medicine, including multiple cellular therapy partners to reduce the number and severity of chronic diseases globally.
Creates Community Collaborative model for building community resilience to societal problems.
Contracts with Veteran’s Health Affairs Integrated Healthcare Transformation (VHA IHT) as a part of the Titan-Alpha team and Air Force Strategic Transformation Support (AFSTS) contract as a part of the KPMG team.
Establishes Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) Joint Venture with Bacik Group to develop greater health solutions across the Veteran community.
Partners with the University of Minnesota and Fellow Dr. Bob Mozayeni to further research Bartonella and Borrelia and the impact of chronic infection to chronic disease.
Chosen to support the Million Veteran Program (MVP), a national research program to study how genes, lifestyle and military exposures affect health and illness.
Partners with The Association of Program Directors in Surgery (APDS) to help improve surgical training programs and to allow for data-driven innovation in surgical education.
T Lab, under the guidance of TLI Fellow Dr. Bob Mozayeni, partners in chronic infection research through image analysis in cooperation with the University of Minnesota.
Partners with Midwest Business Group on Health to improve mental health outcomes for employees struggling with the many stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic.
TLI launches program to support families with children on the Autism Disorder Spectrum through a project to provide data-based approach to providing peer reviewed research.
TLI sets in motion program to collect and analyze patient reported data for the approximately 250,000 patients in the U.S. with wet AMD, which accounts for 90% of current blindness.
The Limb Loss and Preservation Registry program supporting Mayo Clinic and NIH collected data for over 37,000 patients and two million patient visits to date.
TLI develops the EQIP platform for APDS to improve surgical residency programs. Data from 36 surgical, 1,264 residents and 1,500 faculty members produced 49 key data visualizations.
TLI Fellow, Sam Hanna, leads online symposia and speaks at Midwest Business Group on Health to improve mental health outcomes for employees facing thestressors of the COVID-19 pandemic.
TLI drives innovative thinking and action on global issues relating to health to foster transformative change and improve the health and well-being of patient communities across the world.
TLI envisions a world with greater health results through better data and innovation, where even those patients and families facing the most difficult conditions find hope for better care.
We want to be a team of risk takers, encouraging creativity and innovative approaches to difficult challenges.
We do what we say; our actions reflect our words.
We value individuals and relationships while challenging ourselves and our partners.
No discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, or class.
New data, ideas, and perspectives will grow and change our strategies.
We are results oriented, challenging the status quo and setting new benchmarks.