Key Features of the Portal
Patient Survey Access
Demographic dashboards
Function, Health and Satisfaction of
Treatment dashboards
Outcomes dashboards
Patient Guide
Current Research Studies
Mechanism for researchers to submit proposals for research of the portal data
Education & Support
Resources for Eye Habits and Health
Local Education and Support Groups
Transportation Assistance Resources
Early Detection & Genetics, Managing the
Disease, Compliance with Treatment
Insurance Tools and Tips
Medication Copay Assist Programs
SDOH/Health Equity
Barriers to Adherence to Treatment
More than 22 million Americans are living with age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Online resources for people living with AMD are decentralized and there is no single source of truth where this community can receive accurate and current guidance.
Eyes on the Future is a portal for doctors, patients and care providers that will harness the power of healthcare analytics to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations within the data to improve patient care by helping the community:
Address issues of wide concern
Where to find resources for support and treatment
Where to get assistance with treatment costs
Privacy and security of the patient data that is stored in the portal
Communicate Choices
Awareness of symptoms
Importance of early diagnosis
Treatment options
Express the value of participating in the portal
Collect Patient Data to Support Analytics and Research
Collect data using standardized surveys for visual function, general health, satisfaction of treatment and symptom state
Collect patient demographic data to support research and analytics
Partnering for a broader reach
The Thought Leadership & Innovation Foundation is collaborating with the American Macular Degeneration Foundation (AMDF) to expand our individual capabilities to reach the millions of people who are affected by AMD.